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This painting is the composition of flowers, which have an imaginary shape, geometric and informal. I added the monochrome color scheme here. I think flowers give peace, so for that emotion, I used blue color, as its cool color and also light blue provides peace. Also, I added a flow, which shows the larger flower in the right corner and a smaller flower in the left top corner, which shows thinking. So basically it shows our mind has had many thoughts to express, but when its calm or peace outside it expresses all with self. Non-objective art defines a type of abstract art that is usually, but not always, geometric and aims to convey a sense of simplicity and purity.

Non objective art

Tejal Prakash Firodiya


It's Tejal here. I am a design student. I am pursuing my bachelor degree in UIUX designing. I like painting, travelling, singing and cooking.

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