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String art

This is a Wood board concept of string art. First, I drew a design and then take measurements where I have to hit the nails. Then I colored this using spray paint. Then here I used satin strings, for a glossy effect. And made this mandala. What is string art? String art is one of the most aesthetically pleasing DIY projects you can think of. string art is an addicting artform that is inviting to the most experienced crafter and the newcomer alike. String art is not a new fad; its origins go back to the 19th century. It is the brainchild of Mary Everest Boole who was in search of a way to introduce children to mathematical ideas.

Mandala artwork

Tejal Prakash Firodiya


It's Tejal here. I am a design student. I am pursuing my bachelor degree in UIUX designing. I like painting, travelling, singing and cooking.

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