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Analysis and Test of Bluetooth Communication System.

Akshay Mishra04 Oct, 2020
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  • Analysis and Test of Bluetooth Communication Systems

  • Characteristics

  • Masters, Slaves, and Piconets

  • Bluetooth Profiles

  • Bluetooth Codecs

  • Versions of Bluetooth:

  • Results-

  • Project Report-


A Bluetooth ad hoc can be shaped by interconnecting piconets into scatternets. The limitations and properties of Bluetooth scatternets present extraordinary difficulties in shaping an impromptu system productively. Essentially expressed, Bluetooth is a remote correspondence convention. Since it's a correspondence convention, you can utilize Bluetooth to convey to other Bluetooth-empowered gadgets. In this sense, Bluetooth resembles some other correspondence convention that you utilize each day, for example, HTTP, FTP, SMTP, or IMAP. Bluetooth has a customer server design; the one that starts the association is the customer, and the person who gets the association is the server. Bluetooth is an extraordinary convention for remote correspondence since it's fit for transmitting information at almost 1MB/s, while expending 1/100th of the intensity of Wi-Fi. In this report, we have examined the essential working of Bluetooth, a distinctive rendition of Bluetooth and their application. Being Communication engineers it was always a matter of curiosity to know how the basic day to day devices works. The most common device is Bluetooth or Bluetooth based devices, so driven by our eagerness and unmatched guidance of the faculty we have tried to understand the Bluetooth protocol on a deeper level.


Analysis and Test of Bluetooth Communication Systems

  • Aagam Jariwala


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  • Analysis and Test of Bluetooth Communication Systems

  • Characteristics

  • Masters, Slaves, and Piconets

  • Bluetooth Profiles

  • Bluetooth Codecs

  • Versions of Bluetooth:

  • Results-

  • Project Report-