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Photography Composition

Niriksha Sharma26 Apr, 2020
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  • Photography Compositions


There are no unbreakable rules when it comes to how you should compose your photographs. There are, however, several guidelines you can use to help improve the composition of your photos. First of all, we have to define what is meant by ‘composition’. Composition refers to the way the various elements in a scene are arranged within the frame. As I’ve already mentioned, these are not hard and fast rules but guidelines. That said, many of them have been used in the art for thousands of years and they really do help achieve more attractive compositions. I find that I usually have one or more of these guidelines in the back of my mind as I’m setting up a shot.


The Aim of the project is to learn about Photography Composition.

  • Niriksha Sharma

Photography Composition


Rule of Thirds



Golden Triangles

Niriksha Sharma


amazing work....

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  • Photography Compositions