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Sentimental Analysis using Python (NLP)

Saumya Singh08 Aug, 2020
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  • Sentimental Analysis using Python

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The 21st century is too busy for anyone to think about others. We all are engrossed in our gadgets, try to find comfort online, and little do we know what the other people are going from. But as a human, we reflect our mind through our language. The way we interact with people tells a lot about us. And it also shows how much positivity a person has within. While making this project I analyzed twitter accounts of some inspiring people like Sundar Pichai, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and author Dan Brown. But here as an example to explain the project I chose Elon Musk's account. I analyzed a few negative people account's too and realized they have the negative followers, retweets, and thus a negative environment around. But I refrain to include that example in this project.


To analyze how influential people, stay and speak positively even on social media. Positivity creates bright minds.

  • Individual


sentimental analysis






Saumya Singh


*When the need to succeed is as bad as the need to breathe u will be successful! *LinkedIn: ssaumyaa7 *

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  • Sentimental Analysis using Python

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