Our Community Guidelines
The Community Guidelines are the ground rules for how to behave on the platform. If your content violates our Community Guidelines, we will straight away delete your account. Content may be removed for reasons other than violations of the Community Guidelines.
Please do not threaten people.

This includes threats of violence and threats to hurt others in any way.
Please do not post others’ personal information.

Please do not post any personal information of other members or third parties unless you have express permission from them to do so.
Please do not hate.

Slurs or hate speech, including denigrating comments involving race, sexual orientation, religious or political belief, age, or just about anything else, whether personal or general are not allowed.
Please do not promote self-harm.

Please do not post content that glorifies self-harm. Please do not encourage others to harm themselves.
Please do not spam.

Please do not use fake tags or deceptive links or try to mislead others about the things you post. Please do not use malware or other deceptive code when you post. Please do not phish. Please do not follow large amounts of members in bulk for the sole purpose of leading them to your profile
Please do not automate.

thesocialcomment is for human beings, not bots.
Please do not infringe on other people’s copyrights and trademarks.

Please do not post content that belongs to third parties without their consent. Please make sure you have the right to post the content that you share on thesocialcomment. Please only post content that is legal. You can not post content that violates governmental law or regulation.
Please do not squat on usernames.

Please do not register a username that you are not going to use yourself. Please do not register a username to prevent someone else from using it. Usernames that have not been actively used for an extended period of time may be reclaimed.
Please do not impersonate others.

Be yourself, or a version of yourself. Please do not pretend to be someone else.
Please do not post anything inappropriate about minors, including things that are violent or sexual in nature.

Please do not use thesocialcomment to intrude on other people’s privacy. Please do not be a technological nuisance.

Please do not try to circumvent or compromise our security or access non-public areas of the thesocialcomment. Please do not use robots or other automated technology to access thesocialcomment. Please do not scrape content from thesocialcomment. Please do not try to deceive members or the general public. Please do not intentionally load test our Service to see how much traffic thesocialcomment can handle. Please Do not distribute viruses or malware to or through thesocialcomment.
Please respect your fellow community members.

- Please do not try to circumvent or compromise our security or access non-public areas of the thesocialcomment. Please do not use robots or other automated technology to access thesocialcomment. Please do not scrape content from thesocialcomment. Please do not try to deceive members or the general public. Please do not intentionally load test our Service to see how much traffic thesocialcomment can handle. Please Do not distribute viruses or malware to or through thesocialcomment.
- thesocialcomment’s community guidelines expressly forbid posting abusive content of any kind, including content that portrays or encourages violence towards people or animals.
- If you do not adhere to our community guidelines we may contact you and ask you to adhere.
- If you do not comply, your account may be suspended or removed and your username forfeited. We reserve the right to enforce or not to enforce these guidelines in whatever way we see fit, at our sole discretion.
- It is important to note that the thesocialcomment’s community guidelines and supporting policies do not create a duty or contractual obligation for us to act in any particular manner. We reserve the right to change these guidelines at any time. Please be studious, cool, work nicely, and have fun.
- If you encounter abusive behavior or someone who is not acting in accordance with our Community Guidelines, please report it by contacting thesocialcomments@gmail.com. Our support team will assess the situation, and take action as necessary.
thesocialcomment has a zero-tolerance policy for abusive behavior.
This includes any form of hate, trolling, stalking, spamming, flaming, impersonating others, harming children, child pornography, or any other behavior intended to hurt another person physically or emotionally.
If you encounter abusive behavior or someone who is not acting in accordance with our Community Guidelines, please report it by contacting thesocialcomments@gmail.com. Our support team will assess the situation, and take action as necessary.

At the thesocialcomment, we welcome the assistance of the security community. We especially appreciate help finding vulnerabilities and bugs in the thesocialcomment’s platform technology and interface. If you are a security specialist and find a vulnerability, please let us know.
Please be mindful that in doing your research you may not harm thesocialcomment.com, the performance of our services, or violate the privacy of our community members. We are forever grateful for your assistance and support. If you find a bug or security vulnerability, please contact us at thesocialcomments@gmail.com.

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